Lake Geneva Tattoo has a long history starting with Greg May in the 60s Greg May started out as Gregs floating tattoo parlor moving all over the chicago land area and sothern wisconsin.
In 1955 Greg May opend the first shop in Kenosha, WI and thru the 60s he tattoed there with tats thomas. Then in 1968 Kenosha did the same as Milwaukee and put a ban on tattooing. Once again Greg was forced to find a new location. In 1969 Greg May opend the shop in its new location which would then be called the now world famous Lake Geneva Tattoo.
Greg and crew spent many years putting out some the countrys best and cleanest tattoos. Many well known artist worked in this shop during that time names like Tats Thomas , Chicago ED, Dragon Dave, Sheila May, Doc Fin and his Brother, and many others. Greg also worked and coresponded with Sailor Jerry , Don Ed Hardy , Lyle Tuttle and many others. What an incredible time in tattooing. Also during this time Greg taught Sheila how to tattoo and guess what came from that? Cosmetic tattooing. Sheila May went on to be the leading queen of cosmetic tattooing , tattooing names like Dolly Parton , Michael Jackson, Joanna Kerns and many others that stay anonymous

In the 70s and 80s Greg Kremser now known as Little Greg became fascinated with tattooing. Getting his first tattoo from Greg May he became hooked on tattoos. Little Greg then started on his way to becoming a tattoo artist and piercer. Little Greg had always been a natural artist being able to draw or create many art forms at an early age. The quest to become a master tattoo artist during his self teaching brougt him to Greg May. Little Greg spent some time being taught tricks from Greg May who realized very quickly that Little Greg was a natural and quickly offered him a job. Little Greg spent the next few years working with Captain Greg May and Chicago Ed .
In 1995 Greg May offered Little Greg to buy the shop and Greg was going to retire. In December 7 of 1995 Little Gregs father who was his backer to buy the shop in January passed away. So in January of 1996 Greg May decided to give the Shop to LIttle Greg which he took over January of 1997.
For the next 20 plus years Little Greg has worked every day to be the best tattoo artist he could be and constantly push to keep Lake Geneva Tattoo at the forefront of tattoo shop.
Little Greg has had many artist spend time in the shop and he has taught many of them his tricks and better ways of doing things . out of respect to those artist i will not name their names , they all know who they are and it was a pleasure for Little Greg to help them along the way of thier tattoo careers. Along with the many artist that have been in the shop there have been many famous people that have graced the shop to be able to do their tattoos. Some that we are able to say Tony Danza film star , Clay Guida UFC Fighter, member of alkaline trio band , Josh Demuth pro motocross and supercross and arena cross champion , other pro racers include Charlie Bogard and Kurt Jennison , James Sailor football new england patriots, Michael Angelo music and many others I cant remember right now
Thank you for reading a breif history about Lake Geneva Tattoo and come see why we make dreams a reality.